Thursday, June 18, 2015

mamas and papas

I would be remiss if I failed to mention my incredible in-laws during this Mother's/Father's Day time of year, not just out of my gratitude to them for raising my sweet husband, but because I have truly come to love them as my own over these last 2 and a half years of being married to John and living so close to them in California. Was that a run-on sentence? They deserve a thousand run-on sentences. During newlywedhood and newmomhood Caren has been an amazing friend and mentor and mother to me through it all. I scored big time in the in-law department and I hope they know that! By far the hardest part of this move to Utah was and still is leaving them. I love you guys so much and can't wait for our Garlock reunion coming up! 


yomama said...

Reind me to punch you when I see you next for posting a couple of these pictures...but for hugging you and not letting go for your words. You may have moved to Utah, but we have each other for eternity. Love you! But really...the one right after Joseph was born? AWFUL!

Anonymous said...

Hahah Caren ^^^^. I LOVE THESE.